Join the Irish Council of Churches and Christian Aid to hear from those on the sharp end of the climate crisis. You’ll be both inspired and equipped with resources for you and your church.
We know you care about the changing climate and how that is impacting people everywhere. We also know taking action can feel overwhelming – particularly when you are trying to lead your church in the midst of a pandemic.
Which is why we want to help!
We’re more and more aware of the need to respond to climate change, and as Christians we lament the injustice of the fact that those who are least responsible for it are most impacted. But what can we do? How can we, as followers of Jesus in Ireland, be a part of the momentum to transform our ways of living to bring about a more just and safe future for all?
One of the paradoxes of Coronavirus is that it has shown us how deeply interdependent we are whilst simultaneously disconnecting us from one another. Similarly climate change shows us that we are interconnected because actions in one part of the world have effects far away. Yet many of us do not see those consequences because we are insulated from them.
This event aims to be a point of (re)connection by giving people in local church leadership roles in Ireland the opportunity to hear directly from people who are directly impacted by climate change in the Global South. We will also share resources from Christian Aid which will enable your church to take action for climate justice.
Speaking at the event will be:
Bob Kikuyu:
Bob is the Global Theology Advisor at Christian Aid. He has previously worked as the Executive Director of EduKenya, an NGO that provides transformational education in the slums of Nairobi. He has also served for 11 years as the Senior Pastor of Lifespring Chapel. He continues to live in Nairobi, Kenya with his wife and three children.
Julius Mbatia:
A young Kenyan climate activist who has worked for Christian Aid, Julius is passionate about climate justice, conservation and youth engagement. He has been heavily involved in environmental youth networks from a young age, and has represented the Kenyan youth in various national, regional and international climate change fora. He is currently the Coordinator of Youth for Sustainable Development Goals Kenya as well as undertaking a Masters degree in Environmental Planning and Management at the University of Nairobi.
Rebekah Wilson
Rebekah is a young activist who is concerned about the climate crisis and its magnified effects on the socially disadvantaged. She is in her third year of medical school at the University of Glasgow. Rebekah has been a Christian as long as she can remember but has only truly become aware of social inequalities since coming to university. She is very involved in Just Love and the Iona Community, Christian social justice organisations, which inspire and motivate her to pursue Biblical justice both in her daily life and in her future career.
There will also be opportunity to discuss with others how our churches can effectively participate in sharing the voices of those most impacted, and to take action for climate justice.
Join us on May 25th from 10:30 – 12:00 by registering at https://www.irishchurches.org/voices