Irish Council of Churches. Irish Inter-Church Meeting

Vacancy: Good Relations Officer






The Irish Council of Churches (ICC) is advertising a Good Relations Officer post. This is a joint initiative of ICC and the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, supported by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and Benefact Trust.

We are seeking to recruit an exceptional individual who will lead the next phase of our peacebuilding and reconciliation work.

The Irish Council of Churches (ICC) is one of the longest serving established national ecumenical bodies in the world, and, with the Irish Inter–Church Meeting, has a long track record of addressing issues of justice, peace, reconciliation and integration.

Please download the application pack by clicking here.

Ensure that you have completed the application form and return it by 5pm on Tuesday 24th October 2023 to:

The President, Irish Council of Churches, 48 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AZ

or by email to [email protected].

Signed PDFs by email are acceptable.

Download Application Pack


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